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Cost-effective reimbursement analysis for medical technologies in Europe

Procedure coding, payment mechanism, reimbursement tariffs, policy, and HTA considerations in 20 EU countries

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Reimbursement summary for angioplasty of arteries of lower extremities

This post presents an extract from our reimbursement analysis for angioplasty of arteries lower extremities using plain and drug-coated balloons (DCBs) for peripheral artery disease in England, France and Germany. Plain balloon angioplasty is reimbursement via DRG solely and DCBs are reimbursement via combination of DRG and add-on reimbursement.
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Fifty applications for innovation funding of the new forms of care were accepted in Germany

On November 21, 2024, the Innovation Committee at the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) announced that a total of fifty applications for Innovation Funding for the new forms of care in one- and two-stage procedures were accepted.

In the two-stage funding process (funding announcements from 2023), after completion of the idea sketch development phase (stage one), twenty projects (full applications) have now been selected for the implementation of the new forms of care (stage two). They concern the following topics:

  • Models for strengthening evidence-based care provision: 9;
  • Cooperative and interprofessional care models with advanced division of tasks between different health professions and service providers: 3;
  • Models for preventing, reducing, and delaying the need for care: 1;
  • New forms of care to strengthen and relieve carers and relatives: 2;
  • Models for improving the care of chronically ill people with high care needs in poorly served areas: 1;
  • Optimization of interfaces and cooperation between statutory health insurance and the public health service in prevention and health care: 1.

In addition, the Innovation Committee will fund three projects from the open-topic area.

In the new one-stage procedure for long-term projects (usually 36 months and, in justified exceptional cases, a maximum of 48 months), the Innovation Committee received a total of six project applications in response to its open-topic funding announcement. One project will now receive funding.

The idea sketches selected in the two-stage funding process concern the following topics:

  • Models of oral health in people in need of care and people with disabilities: 4;
  • Outpatient care in healthcare: 1;
  • Further development of cross-sectoral healthcare facilities and care networks: 4;
  • Digital support concepts to strengthen accessibility in the healthcare system: 1;
  • Domestic and sexual violence – care and prevention: 2;
  • Data and algorithm-based decisions in general practice – new care concepts for strengthening guideline-compliant care: 1;
  • Improvement of care processes in the rescue service and emergency and acute care: 4;
  • Improving care processes through data-based needs identification and design of care pathways: 5;
  • Care models to strengthen nicotine or tobacco cessation: 2.

In addition, the Innovation Committee will fund five projects from the open-topic area.

The full details in German can be found here.

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