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Dutch Healthcare Authority published the 2024 update of the Digital Care Funding Guide
On May 14, 2024, the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) published the updated version of the 2024 Guide, which describes the possibilities of funding digital care depending on the healthcare sector (primary care, medical specialist care, long-term care, etc.). The implemented changes include funding transformation plans for introducing the Integrated Care Agreement (Integraal Zorgakkoord, IZA) and creating the Platform for assessment of innovative digital applications and technologies.
In 2023, NZa published the policy rule for funding of Integrated Care Transformation Plans with a budget of 2.395 billion euros for 2023-2027. The objective of the funding is to support the implementation of the novel bundled funding model of healthcare in the Netherlands – the Integrated Care Agreement (IZA) – by accelerating the processes in which healthcare providers, healthcare professionals, patient organizations, health insurers, and municipalities together develop and realize plans for impactful healthcare transformations. Healthcare providers can claim transformation funds by indicating in a transformation plan how they want to contribute to the transformation toward appropriate care. A transformation plan is assessed by the two largest health insurers in the region. The funding allocation is linked to achieving the agreed results, monitored by the two health insurers. The NZa made the first decision on transformation plan funding for hospital group Santeon for the digital platform Zorg bij jou.
The Platform was introduced by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport in collaboration with health insurers, clinical societies, and healthcare providers (14 organizations). The platform aims to assess new innovative medical care involving digital applications and/or technologies.
See more information in Dutch here.
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