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Submission of applications for subsidies under the "eHealth at Home" scheme is open until the end of 2021
The Dutch Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) works to improve disease prevention, healthcare practices, and the health status of the Dutch citizens by stimulating and funding research, development, and implementation of innovative technologies.
The ZonMw programs for eHealth include digital apps related to care and/or support and improve the quality of life or simplify care provision. Subsidies for upscaling eHealth applications to provide care at home for the elderly and people with a chronic illness or disability are available via the incentive scheme "eHealth at Home" (Stimuleringsregeling E-health Thuis, SET). It has a total budget of €84 million for three years. A total amount of €15 million is available for applications awarded in 2021.
The list of examples of eHealth apps that can apply for the subsidy under this scheme includes wound care app to monitor and coordinate wound care remotely, communication platforms, e-health applications in mental health care including online treatment modules, etc.
The subsidy amount is divided into two innovation clusters:
- A small innovation cluster with a subsidy amount up to €125,000;
- A large innovation cluster with a subsidy amount from €125,000.
The step-by-step instruction on how to apply for the subsidy depending on the innovation cluster can be found here. Subsidy applications are made via the Dutch Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO).
The ZonMw will accept applications for subsidies under the incentive scheme "eHealth at Home" until the end of 2021.
The full details in Dutch can be found here.
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