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Dutch Healthcare Institute initiated an assessment of personalized medicine and molecular diagnostics
On October 14, 2020, the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN) announced the evaluation of personalized medicine and molecular diagnostics for advice on reimbursement under Basic Health Insurance.
Personalized medicine is becoming increasingly important in the application of drugs. Molecular diagnostics makes it possible to predict the effects of medicine based on a patient's DNA. To ensure that this form of predictive diagnostics can be used everywhere in the Netherlands.
The assessment will be performed on the request of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport and will address the following issues:
- Which molecular diagnostics is needed in which phase of the disease?
- How can new technologies in this area get a place quickly when they have proven to be effective?
- How should molecular diagnostics be offered to ensure that it is accessible, to the right patient, at the right time?
- Define reimbursement pathways for molecular diagnostics within personalized medicine.
The publication of the report is scheduled for March 2021.
The full details in Dutch can be found here.
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