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Reimbursement summary for angioplasty of arteries of lower extremities

This post presents an extract from our reimbursement analysis for angioplasty of arteries lower extremities using plain and drug-coated balloons (DCBs) for peripheral artery disease in England, France and Germany. Plain balloon angioplasty is reimbursement via DRG solely and DCBs are reimbursement via combination of DRG and add-on reimbursement.
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Tariff version of SwissDRG 8.0/2019 has been published

On November 30, 2018, the DRG-regulating body in Switzerland, SwissDRG, has notified the public that the tariff version of SwissDRG 8.0/2019 has been published.

The catalogue of lump sums per case (SwissDRG 8.0/2019 tariff version) is available in both Excel and .pdf formats and can be found on this link.

Furthermore, the catalogue of add-on reimbursement is available on the same link.

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