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Spring project submission period for promising care subsidy scheme (coverage with evidence development) was opened in the Netherlands
The scheme entered into force on February 1, 2019. It has been published in the Dutch Government Gazette on January 15, 2019. The regulation contains rules for the provision of a subsidy for promising care.
The Dutch National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland, ZIN) has opened a project submission period in a framework of subsidy scheme called “Promising care.” This scheme makes it possible to obtain temporary financing for those treatment methods that look promising but are not yet reimbursed from the basic package. If the subsidy is received, the research data regarding the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the granted treatment method should start being collected. After the end of the project, an assessment will be made by the Healthcare Institute within 6 months to understand whether this treatment method is going to be included in the basic health insurance package. A grant for projects is awarded for a maximum of 6 years.
With this scheme, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport makes a maximum of €69 million available annually. The subsidy ceiling for the 1st round is € 40 million. If the subsidy ceiling is not reached, the remaining amount will be transferred to the 2nd round of the same calendar year. The 2nd round in 2019 is expected to start at the end of June and close at the end of August.
The period for submitting project ideas for promising care is from March 14 to May 14, 2019.
See the full information in Dutch here.
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