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Innovation and Technology Payment (ITP) 2019/20 program began on April 1, 2019
The NHS Innovation and Technology Payment (ITP) 2019/20 program went live on April 1, 2019, and builds on the Innovation and Technology Tariff (ITT) and ITP 2018/19.
The ITP aims to remove barriers to the spread and adoption of innovative products or technologies (medical devices, digital platforms, and technologies), including financial negotiations. The program forms part of a more extensive set of activities to support innovation in the NHS, led by NHS England.
To be selected for the ITP, products needed to meet the following criteria:
- NICE support (through a Medtech Innovation Briefing or Guidance)
- Positive in-year return on investment
- Use in at least three NHS organizations
These criteria focus the ITP on proven innovations within-year return on investment that are ready for national adoption. For this year, the following topics are being supported from April 1, 2019:
- Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation therapy for the treatment of cluster headaches
- Absorbable spacer to reduce rectum radiation exposure during prostate radiation therapy
- Placental growth factor (PIGF) based test for the rule‑out of preeclampsia
- High sensitivity troponin assay in a rapid rule-out a protocol for acute myocardial infarction
Additionally, two topics will be supported by the Evidence Generation Fund. These topics will have a more limited roll-out with more intensive evaluation support:
- Digital apps to support emergency/crisis mental health assessments
- Interoperable personal health record tool
About the program:
- The Innovation and Technology Payment (ITP) 2019/20 builds on the Innovation and Technology Tariff (ITT) and ITP 2018/19. It supports the NHS in adopting innovation by removing some of the financial or procurement barriers which can inhibit uptake at scale
- It is a competitive process designed to scale up the adoption of innovations and technologies that have already proved their clinical effectiveness and are ready for nationwide spread
- The ITP’s focus is to support a range of cost-effective medical devices, digital platforms, and technologies within our budgetary confines and will have a wide-reaching impact on patient care, deliver savings to the NHS and maximize learning from the program while fostering culture change
- The ITP program forms part of a more comprehensive set of activities to support innovation in the NHS, led by NHS England and delivered with the support of the Academic Health Science Network
- The implementation of any agreed payment mechanism or procurement is operational from April 1, 2019
- Day-to-day support and reporting will be via NHS England’s Innovation, Research, and Life Sciences Unit
The Innovation Technology Tariff of 2017/18 and the Innovation Technology Payment 2018/19 will continue to be supported during 2019/20. Details of these innovations can be found in the technical notes posted on this page during June 2019.
See full details in English here.
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