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Reimbursement summary for angioplasty of arteries of lower extremities

This post presents an extract from our reimbursement analysis for angioplasty of arteries lower extremities using plain and drug-coated balloons (DCBs) for peripheral artery disease in England, France and Germany. Plain balloon angioplasty is reimbursement via DRG solely and DCBs are reimbursement via combination of DRG and add-on reimbursement.
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The G-BA Innovation Committee published an overview of 28 newly funded projects in Germany

On January 28, 2021, the Innovation Committee at the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) published the first overview of the 28 innovative projects on new forms of medical care that will be funded.

The full list of funded projects is provided below:

  1. Breast cancer aftercare, follow up and program. The applicant is University Hospital Würzburg
  2. Care concept for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome / myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). The applicant is Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  3. Case management and nursing expertise as a preventive approach for adult people with intellectual disabilities. The applicant is the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  4. Computer-assisted risk evaluation in the early detection of psychotic diseases. The applicant is Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf
  5. Cooperation network for the local care of patients and families with a genetic tumor risk syndrome. The applicant is Hannover Medical School
  6. Development and evaluation of a trans-sectoral digital care platform for people with familial cancer risk. The applicant is Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  7. Digitally supported sleep medicine - development of optimized patient pathways for obstructive sleep apnea. The applicant is Ruhrlandklinik, West German Lung Center at the University Hospital Essen gGmbH
  8. Elective promotion of rational antibiotic therapy. The applicant is the Association of Substitute Health Insurance Funds e. V. (vdek)
  9. Ensuring long-term success in geriatric rehabilitation. The applicant is Heidelberg University Hospital
  10. German network for personalized medicine. The applicant is University Hospital Tübingen
  11. Improvement of age-specific vaccination uptake. The applicant is the Association of Substitute Health Insurance Funds e. V. (vdek)
  12. Infrastructure and processes for optimized care of patients with chronic wounds - decentralized and close to regular care in Bremen. The applicant is the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Bremen
  13. Intelligent, chatbot-assisted outpatient follow-up care for depression in adolescents and young adults. The applicant is the University of Greifswald
  14. Management of personalized lung cancer therapy through digital networking of treatment partners and patients. The applicant is the University of Cologne
  15. Network to strengthen the participation of the chronically ill using the example of multiple sclerosis. The applicant is the Professional Association of German Neurologists e. V.
  16. Optimization of sepsis therapy based on patient-specific digital precision diagnostics. The applicant is University Hospital Essen
  17. Optimizing post-clinical intensive care for neurological patients. The applicant is the Hospital of the University of Munich
  18. Patient-oriented.Differentiated.Interdisciplinary.Network.Therapy. The applicant is German Pain Society e. V.
  19. Personalized therapy for rheumatoid arthritis based on the model of psychoneuroimmunology. The applicant is the BKK regional association of Bavaria
  20. Primary hormone-sensitive breast cancer: needs-based optimization of care through a patient-centered, digital application. The applicant is Rechts der Isar Hospital of the Technical University of Munich
  21. Proactive instead of reactive symptom recognition in Parkinson's patients. The applicant is Philipps University of Marburg
  22. Res@t - Resource-strengthening adolescent and parent training for media-related disorders. The applicant is University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
  23. Risk End-Stage Renal Disease. The applicant is KfH Foundation for Preventive Medicine
  24. Smartphone-assisted osteoarthritis training with education. The applicant is Bochum University of Health
  25. Structured, intersectorally networked, multi-professional, digitized program for optimizing cardiovascular prevention. The applicant is Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  26. Supplementary orthopedic preventive medical check-ups for children to avoid permanent skeletal deformities. The applicant is Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
  27. Telemedical monitoring for COPD patients. The applicant is LungenClinic Großhansdorf GmbH
  28. Trans-sectoral personalized care concept for patients with rare and advanced cancer diseases. The applicant is the Hospital of the University of Munich

The full details in German can be found here.

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