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Fundamental changes in the Norwegian DRG system in 2019
Activity-based funding (Innsatsstyrt finansiering, ISF) in Norway includes funding from the Government to regional health authorities (RHF) for somatic specialist health services, as well as for outpatient services within mental health care.
The key changes of the Norwegian DRG payment system (ISF) in 2019 include:
- New level of funding for so-called Service Pathway Groups (tjenesteforløpsgrupper, TFG), including dialysis treatment and a number of medicines
- New special service groups (Særtjenestegrupper, STG), including drug treatment, digital follow-up of patients, etc.
- Further development of funding for emergency conditions that occur in outpatient settings or day case
- Since 2019 it is not required to use special codes (særkoder) for reporting
- Digital services: the STG system has been expanded to include several services that are implemented with the introduction of new technology and execution methods in the specialist health service
- Video consultations within somatic care by other health personnel except physicians are included in the ISF funding
- Pilot new STGs for registration in selected medical quality registers: a trial scheme where the regional health trusts receive ISF funding per registered patient in selected medical quality registers. The goal is to stimulate increased coverage in the quality registers
- Pilot ISF for selected procedures for contract specialists to extend the ISF scheme on certain procedures performed by contract specialists (including Botox injections in urinary bladder for overactive bladder and intravenous injection of anti-osteoporosis drugs)
See full details here.
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