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The first meeting of the Board for Health Apps in Denmark
On November 6, 2024, the first meeting of the Board for Health Apps (Nævnet for Sundhedsapps) was held in Denmark. The meeting agenda included, among other things, the discussion of the assessment criteria, procedures, and meeting schedule. As soon as the Board determines the criteria according to which it will assess health apps, it will be possible to apply for a health app to be recommended. More information about the application process and the assessment criteria will be available on the Board's webpage once they have been determined. Applications will be made through a digital application form, which will be available on the Board's webpage. Any company, organization, or other health app vendor or developer will be able to apply. The health apps recommended by the Board will be published on
The Board was set up by the Ministry of Interior and Health, and it is tasked with assessing and recommending health apps to citizens and healthcare professionals. The Board consists of a maximum of 11 members appointed by the Ministry of Interior and Health for up to four years. The secretariat of the Board for Health Apps is served by the Danish Medicines Agency. The secretariat supervises applicants, processes applications received, and contributes to organizing the Board's work in cooperation with the Board's chairmanship. The secretariat can be contacted via email:
The establishment of the Board for Health Apps is part of the Government's Digitalization Strategy from November 2023 and the political agreement from February 2024 on an ambitious and responsible strategy for Denmark's digital development' and is one of the concrete initiatives for the digital healthcare system of the future.
See the full details in Danish here.
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