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Market access for medical technologies in Italy

A brief overview of key market access pathways and challenges for medical devices, in-vitro diagnostic tests in Italy


Key topics

There are two key themes describing market access for medical technologies in Italy:

  • Reimbursement: payment mechanism via DRG system, add-on reimbursement 
  • Health technology assessment: assessments by national and regional HTA organizations


Reimbursement of hospital care in Italy depends on the “ownership” status of hospitals and includes diagnosis-related group (DRG) and global budget mechanisms. 

Reimbursement of the hospital activity is made solely through a diagnosis-related group (DRG) system. Italy does not have its own system and adopted the CMS DRG version 24. The system is very rigid at the national level, with no updates made since the adoption of the DRG system. 

DRGs are determined by the combination of a procedure code and a diagnosis code (ICD-9-CM from the 2007 year). Procedure codes have not been updated since 2007, and many innovative technologies cannot be appropriately coded in the Italian system.

Regions can establish their own tariffs and can innovate on the structure of the DRG system. This includes the creation of DRG sub-categories (DRG split mechanism) or add-on reimbursement for expensive procedures or devices. 


Health technology assessment

HTAs are performed at the national level by AGENAS and in several regions. In early 2024, the National HTA Program for Medical Devices became fully functional with the initiation of the first evaluations of technologies.


Specifics for IVD tests

In-vitro diagnostic tests are reimbursed using a fee-for-service mechanism via the regional reimbursement catalogs (using an adaptation of ICD-9-CM classification) in outpatient settings.

MTRC has experience with more than 250 projects in Italy

News and insights

Rapid HTAs of four medical devices released in Tuscany in January 2025

In January 2025, the HTA body of Tuscany Regional Healthcare published four new rapid HTA reports on medical devices used in surgical procedures, ophthalmology, men’s health, and orthopedics.

Rapid HTAs of five medical devices released in Tuscany in November 2024

In November 2024, the HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare published five rapid HTA reports (four new assessments and one reassessment) of medical devices in the cardiovascular, ophthalmology, ENT, and dermatology areas.

New national LEA tariffs will come into force in December 2024 in Italy

On November 14, 2024, the State-Regions Conference approved the Decree with the new national LEA tariffs for outpatient specialist care and prosthetic care presented by the Italian Ministry of Health. The effective date of new tariffs is December 30, 2024.

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