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Market access for medical technologies in Austria

A brief overview of key market access pathways and challenges for medical devices, in-vitro diagnostic tests in Austria


Key topics

There is only one key theme describing market access for medical technologies in Austria: 

  • Reimbursement: payment via DRG-adjusted budget.

There are no separate funding (approval by the payer) or health technology assessment challenges in Austria. HTA (by the Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment) is integrated into reimbursement decision-making. 

Austria has one innovative payment scheme for medical technologies (NUB, provisional coding for medical procedures).



Austrian hospitals are funded using a budget adjusted for activity based on DRGs.

DRGs are defined by a combination of:

  • Diagnosis codes (International Classification of Diseases; ICD-10)
  • Procedure codes (Austrian Individual medical procedure; MEL)
  • Patient-specific parameters (e.g., age, length of stay, sex)

The combination of codes and patient characteristics will result in a specific DRG associated with points (cost weight). These DRG points are multiplied with a monetary base rate that differs between states and even hospitals within states. Cost weights are determined on the basis of the micro-costing method using data from selected reference hospitals.

There is no add-on reimbursement for medical devices or procedures. 

Innovative procedures with insufficient clinical evidence to justify the creation of the regular procedure (MEL) code can receive registration as provisional procedure codes (NUB). Provisional procedure codes do not attract additional or higher reimbursement vs standard treatment. 

An updated version of the LKF catalog is released by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care, and Consumer Protection annually. It comes into effect on January 1st of each calendar year. 


Specifics for IVD tests

There is no specific reimbursement framework for in-vitro diagnostic tests, which are performed within specialist care settings. Most IVD tests are funded using a global budget principle as part of the funding of the labs. 

Simple IVD tests, which can be ordered by primary care physicians, can be reimbursed via fee schedules, developed by individual sickness funds. 

MTRC has experience with more than 115 projects in Austria

News and insights

eHealth Strategy for digitization in healthcare presented in Austria

On July 10, 2024, the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) informed that the federal government, states, and sickness funds had defined their priorities for digitizing the healthcare system within the healthcare reform. The corresponding document, “eHealth Strategy Austria”, was presented on July 10, 2024, outlining the priorities up to 2030.

New med tech-related decision support documents published in Austria

On July 15, 2024, the Austrian Institute for HTA (AIHTA) published three decision support documents that provide recommendations regarding the inclusion of new medical interventions in the catalog of individual medical services (MEL) for reimbursement, as well as two updates to previous decision support documents. The decisions relate to cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, interventional radiology, neuromodulation, and endocrine technology groups.

The 2025 DRG (LKF) model announced in Austria

On June 26, 2024, the document "Changes and innovations in the 2025 LKF model" (Änderungen und Neuerungen in den LKF-Modellen 2025) was published. The document summarizes the most significant changes and innovations in the LKF model for inpatient and outpatient care. The newly added procedure codes mainly concern e-health, interventional radiology, pulmonary and airways, and surgical procedures fields.

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