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European adaptations of global health economic models

Enable your local market access with the specific health economic data

Health economics is an essential part of the value proposition for any medical technology, demonstrating whether technology is cost saving or cost effective for the healthcare system. 

Typically, the original economic models are developed for the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), or German healthcare systems (the typical locations for the start of commercial medical technology activities). However, with gradual penetration into different European markets, the need arises to develop a professional adaptation of the global health economic model which would address the needs of local payers, Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and reimbursement stakeholders. Healthcare systems and costing methodologies vary between countries, and health economic data are always country specific. 

MTRC is one of the leading European consultancies in the field of market access and Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) services for the medical technology industry. We can apply our knowledge of the health economic requirements of different stakeholders in Europe to fast and cost-efficient adaptations of health economic models to suit the needs of different EU countries.

We offer two types of services

We can provide two types of services in relation to health economic model adaptations in Europe.

Provision of data for model adaptations

For this service, MTRC provides the required data (typically cost data) while the update of the model and development of the report is the responsibility of the client
MTRC would typically utilize a data collection form as provided by the client

Full model adaptation

For this service, MTRC is fully responsible for the collection of the required data, running the analysis and developing the report

The process

The key steps in the health economic adaptation project are outlined below. During each stage of the project, we validate our approach and data selection with our client.

Determine the scope

Understanding the scope of model adaptation, the relevant process in the country, specific requirements of the stakeholder in the country, and scope of data adaptation

Data collection

Collection of the data to inform the local model: epidemiological data (if required), resource use and cost data, utility (quality of life) data, and specifics of analytical approach (discount rate, willingness-to-pay threshold)

Development of the model

Building the model in MS Excel, performing quality checks and external validation to determine the performance of the model

Report writing

Development of the report or publication using International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Good Practice Guidelines

In which situations might you need a local health economic model in Europe? 

Health economic data became an integral part of many market access processes for medical technologies in Europe. The key processes with the need for local health economic evidence are summarised below. Besides these particular processes, a common need exists to articulate the economic value of the technology to stakeholders in any healthcare system. 


  • Creation of a novel procedure (INAMI) code or creation of a novel material code in the List of implantable and invasive devices


  • Different assessment programs at the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
    Support of decision-making by the national payer, NHS England (for Prescribed Specialised Services)
    Support of local decision-making by local payers (Integrated Care Boards)

The Netherlands

  • Creation of a novel procedure code and inclusion in the Basic Health Insurance


  • National and mini-HTA as part of the “New Methods” framework for the introduction of innovations


  • Support to regional or national HTA for medical technology


  • Application to the Swedish Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV) in relation to the “Orderly introduction of medical technologies” process


  • Support to national decision-making about coverage of the procedure within the statutory health insurance by the Federal Office of Public Health

Technological coverage of our services

We provide services for major types of medical technologies:

Implantable devices
Interventional procedures
Non-interventional procedures
In-Vitro diagnostics (IVD) tests
Medical aids

Our team has worked on hundreds of reimbursement/HEOR projects within different clinical and technological areas, including heart valve replacement, minimally invasive and open heart surgery, coronary, cerebral and peripheral stenting, coronary diagnostic and imaging techniques (fractional flow reserve, intravascular ultrasound), coronary, cerebral and peripheral vascular thrombectomy, implantable and extracorporeal ventricular assist devices, clinic- and home-based dialysis, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, apheresis, obesity surgery, hernia and reconstruction surgery, tissue products and skin reconstruction surgery, negative wound pressure therapy and medical bandages, neurostimulators for different indications, cell therapy, rehabilitation devices, devices for minimally invasive and open spine surgery, embolization procedures, glucose monitoring, use of fusidial markers, radiotherapy, and endoscopy, amongst others.

Why partner with MTRC?

Be confident in the results

We are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) as an ISO 9001:2015 certified vendor, specialised in medical technologies market access. Unlike many of our competitors, we dedicate 100% of our time and focus to the area of medical technologies, so that our clients enjoy higher quality services at a lower cost. We are also probably the largest Med Tech market access consultancy in Europe, which helps us accumulate unique knowledge and insight

Avoid the hassle of working with multiple vendors

We specialize in Pan-European projects and worked in 34 countries in Europe. You can save time, effort and money by working with a single experienced vendor vs contracting several consultants individually

Spend less on consulting

We understand the budgetary challenges of the med tech industry and can therefore offer a cost-effective approach to our specialised services. Fourteen percent (14%) of our current business comes from small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – a testament to our unique and personal approach to solve your budgetary challenges

Direct access to senior leadership

Small enough to ensure significant personal attention, and large enough to address your needs, our boutique consultancy guarantees that each project enjoys the attention it deserves with direct access to our senior leaders

Make decisions and advance your business quickly

We appreciate the time-sensitive nature of market access. Being a flexible team, we are not afraid to go beyond regular working hours to meet the high expectations of our clients. For every type of project, we offer the shortest possible turnaround times

Geography of our projects

MTRC is a provider of multi-country European projects. We have worked on the projects in 34 European countries


MTRC in numbers 

An extremely specialised boutique consultancy with a global impact

Full-time employees
Regular clients from the top 30 med tech companies
Of business comes from Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Our timelines support your timelines

The analysis is delivered timely to support your market access activities:

Provision of data for model adaptations (MTRC provides cost data only while analysis and reporting remain the responsibilities of the client) takes six to eight weeks.

Full model adaptation (data, analysis, and reporting) takes three to four months.

Get in touch

Contact us to discuss your needs and learn about our services