Procedure coding
Typically, procedure coding is well-established for ventricular assist devices in European countries.
For example, in England, a specific OPCS code K54.1 “Open implantation of ventricular assist device” exists to cover implantable VADs. Percutaneous VADs are coded separately.
In some countries, only a limited number of procedure codes exist, while in others, a very detailed classification of VADs is available.
For example, in Germany, OPS procedure coding distinguishes between different types of VAD systems, including mono- and bi-ventricular, intra- or para-corporeal devices, etc.

Payment mechanism
The payment model varies by country.
In England, Netherlands, Norway, and most of other EU countries, the implantation of VAD is reimbursed solely via the diagnosis-related group (DRG) mechanism.
In some countries (e.g. France and Germany), ventricular assist devices attract additional (top-up) reimbursement, which is paid in addition to the DRG tariff.
For example, in Germany, many add-on ZE categories exist depending on the type of VAD (mono-, bi-ventricular; intra- or para-corporeal) with pricing mostly determined at the local level.
Add-on reimbursement can be either generic (at the class level, as in Germany) or brand-specific (with specific LPPR codes for individual brands in France).

Policy considerations
Due to high cost, VADs can be subject to specific policies from payers or national decision-makers in the countries where such frameworks exist.
For example, in England, the national payer, NHS England, developed so-called Service Specifications for the use of ventricular assist devices, in which NHS England outlined patient pathways, eligible hospitals, responsibilities of different stakeholders, etc.

Health technology assessment
Due to the high cost and high clinical risks for patients, and the existence of different clinical indications (bridge-to-transplant vs destination therapy), VADs are often a subject of HTA in different European countries.

Future challenges
Classic VADs have established reimbursement and funding in most of the European countries. New health technology assessments are unlikely to be relevant.
Classic VADs are unlikely to benefit from the innovative payment schemes.
Novel ventricular assist devices with unique designs or properties, or different cost profiles might need to develop specific procedure codes and adjust payment mechanisms to fully leverage their unique technology or cost profile.
An important topic for VAD is the expansion of indications towards destination therapy (in the countries, where it is not yet established).
How can MTRC help?
Development of reimbursement analysis (procedure coding, payment mechanism, reimbursement tariffs, and policy considerations)
Development of reimbursement strategy
Development of the value dossier
Performing evidence gap analysis for novel technologies
Development of reimbursement and HTA submission dossiers
Adaptation of the global health economic model to EU settings
MTRC has experience with more than 26 projects, related to implantable ventricular assist devices in Europe
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